Spirit Squad Tryouts (April 25-26)
*Please bring water bottle, waiver, and Tusculum student ID*
Cheer - Tryout Clinic (April 25 - 5-8 PM)
- Learn gameday routine
- Free stunt
- Q&A session
- Please wear (co-ed):
- black t-shirt or tank
- black shorts
- white socks
- white cheer shoes
- hair in slicked back pony
- gameday makeup
Cheer - Tryout (April 26 - 10 AM-12 PM)
- Perform gameday routine
- Stunt session
- Interview
- Please wear (co-ed):
- black t-shirt or tank
- black shorts
- white socks
- white cheer shoes
- hair in slicked back pony
- gameday makeup
Recommended skills
- lib
- stretch
- arabesque
- twisting dismounts
- advanced skills a plus
Strong gameday skills
- motions
- dance
- personality
- fitness
Decision to be made at end of session
Dance - Tryout Clinic (April 25 - 5-7 PM)
- Learn combo
- Learn fight song
- Technique session
- Q&A session
- Please wear:
- black tank (full length, fitted)
- black leggings
- jazz shoes (please bring tennis shoes)
- hair in slicked back low bun
- gameday makeup
*must have previous dance experience
Dance - Tryout (April 26 - 10 AM-12 PM)
- Perform combo and fight song
- Technique session
- 15-second improv (contemporary)
- Interview
- Please wear:
- black tank (full length, fitted)
- black leggings
- jazz shoes (please bring tennis shoes)
- hair in slicked back low bun
- gameday makeup
Recommended skills
- double turn right
- single turn left
- left and right leaps
- advanced skills a plus
Strong gameday skills
- motions
- dance
- personality
- fitness
Decision to be made at end of session