Tusculum vs Saint Anselm (Sep 02, 2017)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2017 Tusculum Volleyball
Tusculum vs Saint Anselm
(Sep 02, 2017 at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)

   Tusculum      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
1   Laryssa Welch   13  28  .357  15.5 
2   Mariah Lewis   11  22  .455  14.5 
4   Shannon Murphy   .111  51  15  6.5 
6   Aubrey Hawkins   19  .000  6.0 
7   Cassie Born   14  10  49  .082  13  17.0 
12  Sabrina Schleuger   12  39  .179  11  13.5 
3   Alyssa Rojas   .000  2.0 
14  Melissa Mazur   .000  27  1.0 
17  Kaily Weiss   10  .400  5.5 
  Totals  63  27  176  .205  55  79  25  81.5 
Set  TA  Pct 
18  46  .283 
13  40  .175 
12  34  .176 
11  32  .094 
24  .292 
Tusculum   (3)  23  25  25  21  15     2-1  
Saint Anselm   (2)  25  23  17  25  13     1-2  

   Saint Anselm      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
2   Madison Sollows   10  27  .296  12.0 
7   Catherine McCarthy   10  43  .047  11.5 
9   Amanda Bickford   24  .333  9.0 
10  Jewel Hays   -.250  43  11  1.5 
17  Katy Teets   11  38  .053  16  15.5 
18  Holly Manchester   12  23  .261  14.5 
5   Riley Grussing   .000  0.0 
11  Gianna Bowman   .000  0.0 
12  Danielle Isbell   .000  2.0 
14  Amanda Williams   .556  7.0 
21  Nia Brides   .000  0.0 
22  Jordan Schamp   .000  0.0 
23  Rebecca Lai   .000  29  1.0 
  Totals  58  28  172  .174  54  77  18  74.0 
Set  TA  Pct 
16  39  .308 
12  40  .125 
34  .029 
15  36  .222 
23  .174 
    Site: Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. (Rick Case Arena)
Date: Sep 02, 2017 Attend: 93 Time: 2:01
Referees: Steven Dalton, Lionel Garcia
Tie scores  10 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2017 Tusculum Volleyball
Tusculum vs Saint Anselm
(Sep 02, 2017 at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
1   Laryssa Welch   13  28  .357  .000  13  1.000  1.000  15.5 
2   Mariah Lewis   11  22  .455  .000  .000  .000  14.5 
4   Shannon Murphy   .111  51  136  .375  20  1.000  15  .000  6.5 
6   Aubrey Hawkins   19  .000  .000  .000  .000  6.0 
7   Cassie Born   14  10  49  .082  13  .231  21  .714  13  28  .875  17.0 
12  Sabrina Schleuger   12  39  .179  .000  19  .947  11  18  .947  13.5 
3   Alyssa Rojas   .000  .000  22  .955  13  1.000  2.0 
14  Melissa Mazur   .000  14  .071  13  .923  27  31  1.000  1.0 
17  Kaily Weiss   10  .400  .000  .000  .000  5.5 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  63  27  176  .205  55  173  .318  108  .917  79  25  91  .938  81.5 
Set  TA  Pct 
18  46  .283 
13  40  .175 
12  34  .176 
11  32  .094 
24  .292 
Tusculum   (3)  23  25  25  21  15     2-1  
Saint Anselm   (2)  25  23  17  25  13     1-2  

   Saint Anselm      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
2   Madison Sollows   10  27  .296  .000  1.000  1.000  12.0 
7   Catherine McCarthy   10  43  .047  .333  1.000  12  .923  11.5 
9   Amanda Bickford   24  .333  .000  .000  .000  9.0 
10  Jewel Hays   -.250  43  109  .394  19  .895  11  .000  1.5 
17  Katy Teets   11  38  .053  .000  22  .955  16  37  .949  15.5 
18  Holly Manchester   12  23  .261  .000  .000  .000  14.5 
5   Riley Grussing   .000  26  .269  1.000  .000  0.0 
11  Gianna Bowman   .000  .000  1.000  1.000  0.0 
12  Danielle Isbell   .000  .000  19  .895  16  1.000  2.0 
14  Amanda Williams   .556  .000  .000  1.000  7.0 
21  Nia Brides   .000  .000  .750  .750  0.0 
22  Jordan Schamp   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
23  Rebecca Lai   .000  19  .158  17  1.000  29  16  .941  1.0 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  58  28  172  .174  54  171  .316  104  .933  77  18  93  .939  74.0 
Set  TA  Pct 
16  39  .308 
12  40  .125 
34  .029 
15  36  .222 
23  .174 
    Site: Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. (Rick Case Arena)
Date: Sep 02, 2017 Attend: 93 Time: 2:01
Referees: Steven Dalton, Lionel Garcia

Tie scores  10 
Lead changes 

Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
2017 Tusculum Volleyball
Tusculum vs Saint Anselm
(Sep 02, 2017 at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)

Tusculum def. Saint Anselm 23-25,25-23,25-17,21-25,15-13

Tusculum (2-1) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Cassie Born 14-1-4;
Laryssa Welch 13-0-5; Sabrina Schleuger 12-1-1; Mariah Lewis 11-0-7;
Aubrey Hawkins 6-0-0; Kaily Weiss 4-0-3; Shannon Murphy 3-1-5; Melissa
Mazur 0-1-0; Alyssa Rojas 0-2-0; Totals 63-6-12.5. (Assists) - Shannon
Murphy 51. (Dig leaders) - Melissa Mazur 27; Shannon Murphy 15; Cassie
Born 13; Sabrina Schleuger 11; Alyssa Rojas 8

Saint Anselm (1-2) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Holly Manchester
12-0-5; Katy Teets 11-2-4; Madison Sollows 10-0-4; Catherine McCarthy
10-0-3; Amanda Bickford 9-0-0; Amanda Williams 6-0-2; Danielle Isbell
0-2-0; Jewel Hays 0-1-1; Rebecca Lai 0-1-0; Totals 58-6-10.0.
(Assists) - Jewel Hays 43. (Dig leaders) - Rebecca Lai 29; Katy Teets
16; Jewel Hays 11

Site: Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. (Rick Case Arena)

Date: Sep 02, 2017 Attend: 93 Time: 2:01
Referees: Steven Dalton, Lionel Garcia

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2017 Tusculum Volleyball
Tusculum vs Saint Anselm
(Sep 02, 2017 at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.)

1st Set

For TC: Cassie Born; Mariah Lewis; Aubrey Hawkins; Sabrina Schleuger; Laryssa Welch; Shannon Murphy; libero Melissa Mazur.
For STA: Jewel Hays; Katy Teets; Holly Manchester; Amanda Bickford; Catherine McCarthy; Madison Sollows; libero Rebecca Lai.
1-0Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Amanda Bickford (from Jewel Hays).
2-0Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays).
3-0Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).
4-0Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Holly Manchester.
5-0Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Attack error by Aubrey Hawkins (block by Holly Manchester; Katy Teets).
5-1Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy), block error by Amanda Bickford.so
6-1Point STA - (Cassie Born) Service error.so
7-1Point STA - (Katy Teets) Attack error by Aubrey Hawkins.
8-1Point STA - (Katy Teets) Kill by Holly Manchester, block error by Mariah Lewis.
8-2Point TC - (Katy Teets) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger.so
9-2Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Jewel Hays).so
9-3Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
10-3Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Amanda Bickford (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
11-3Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Jewel Hays).
Timeout Tusculum.
12-3Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Jewel Hays).
13-3Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Attack error by Shannon Murphy (block by Catherine McCarthy; Madison Sollows).
13-4Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).so
14-4Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Ball handling error by Shannon Murphy.so
15-4Point STA - (Catherine McCarthy) Attack error by Cassie Born (block by Madison Sollows; Jewel Hays).
15-5Point TC - (Catherine McCarthy) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).so
15-6Point TC - (Laryssa Welch) Kill by Mariah Lewis.
16-6Point STA - (Laryssa Welch) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).so
16-7Point TC - (Madison Sollows) Kill by Shannon Murphy.so
For TC: Aubrey Hawkins.
16-8Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Attack error by Holly Manchester (block by Mariah Lewis; Cassie Born).
17-8Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays), block error by Cassie Born.so
For STA: Amanda Bickford.
17-9Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).so
17-10Point TC - (Cassie Born) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).
17-11Point TC - (Cassie Born) Kill by Aubrey Hawkins (from Shannon Murphy).
18-11Point STA - (Cassie Born) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Catherine McCarthy.
19-11Point STA - (Katy Teets) Kill by Amanda Bickford, block error by Mariah Lewis.
20-11Point STA - (Katy Teets) Service ace (Cassie Born).
21-11Point STA - (Katy Teets) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Jewel Hays).
21-12Point TC - (Katy Teets) Kill by Aubrey Hawkins (from Shannon Murphy), block error by Catherine McCarthy.so
For STA: Nia Brides.
21-13Point TC - (Melissa Mazur) Service ace (Nia Brides).
22-13Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Bad set by Laryssa Welch.so
22-14Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger.so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
22-15Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).
22-16Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Laryssa Welch.
For STA: Katy Teets.
22-17Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Attack error by Catherine McCarthy.
Timeout Saint Anselm.
22-18Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).
22-19Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).
23-19Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
23-20Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Shannon Murphy (from Cassie Born).so
23-21Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Attack error by Catherine McCarthy.
23-22Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).
23-23Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Attack error by Catherine McCarthy.
24-23Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Jewel Hays).so
25-23Point STA - (Catherine McCarthy) Attack error by Laryssa Welch (block by Katy Teets).

2nd Set

For TC: Mariah Lewis; Aubrey Hawkins; Cassie Born; Shannon Murphy; Sabrina Schleuger; Laryssa Welch; libero Melissa Mazur.
For STA: Amanda Bickford; Holly Manchester; Madison Sollows; Katy Teets; Jewel Hays; Catherine McCarthy; libero Rebecca Lai.
0-1Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Service ace (Catherine McCarthy).
0-2Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Cassie Born.
1-2Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Amanda Bickford (from Jewel Hays).so
1-3Point TC - (Katy Teets) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).so
2-3Point STA - (Cassie Born) Service error.so
2-4Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Aubrey Hawkins (from Shannon Murphy).so
2-5Point TC - (Melissa Mazur) Kill by Laryssa Welch.
3-5Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Jewel Hays), block error by Aubrey Hawkins.so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
4-5Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Service ace (Cassie Born).
4-6Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Aubrey Hawkins (from Shannon Murphy).so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
5-6Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Service error.so
5-7Point TC - (Catherine McCarthy) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Shannon Murphy).so
For STA: Gianna Bowman.
6-7Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Attack error by Laryssa Welch.so
6-8Point TC - (Madison Sollows) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).so
6-9Point TC - (Laryssa Welch) Attack error by Holly Manchester (block by Mariah Lewis; Cassie Born).
7-9Point STA - (Laryssa Welch) Attack error by Cassie Born.so
For STA: Amanda Bickford.
7-10Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Attack error by Katy Teets.so
For TC: Aubrey Hawkins.
8-10Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays), block error by Mariah Lewis.so
For STA: Catherine McCarthy.
8-11Point TC - (Katy Teets) Ball handling error by Holly Manchester.so
9-11Point STA - (Cassie Born) Attack error by Sabrina Schleuger.so
9-12Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Shannon Murphy).so
10-12Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Kill by Amanda Bickford (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
10-13Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Service error.so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
10-14Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Shannon Murphy).
11-14Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Gianna Bowman.
11-15Point TC - (Gianna Bowman) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).so
11-16Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Attack error by Madison Sollows.
Timeout Saint Anselm.
12-16Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).so
12-17Point TC - (Madison Sollows) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).so
13-17Point STA - (Laryssa Welch) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Amanda Bickford.
13-18Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Attack error by Jewel Hays.so
For TC: Aubrey Hawkins.
For STA: Riley Grussing.
14-18Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Amanda Bickford (from Riley Grussing).so
For STA: Catherine McCarthy.
15-18Point STA - (Katy Teets) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Riley Grussing).
15-19Point TC - (Katy Teets) Attack error by Amanda Bickford.so
16-19Point STA - (Cassie Born) Attack error by Aubrey Hawkins.so
16-20Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Aubrey Hawkins (from Shannon Murphy).so
17-20Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Service error.so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
18-20Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Service ace (Cassie Born).
19-20Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Attack error by Aubrey Hawkins (block by Catherine McCarthy; Madison Sollows).
Timeout Tusculum.
20-20Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Attack error by Sabrina Schleuger.
21-20Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Riley Grussing).
21-21Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Service error.so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
22-21Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Riley Grussing).so
For STA: Gianna Bowman.
23-21Point STA - (Gianna Bowman) Kill by Katy Teets (from Rebecca Lai).
Timeout Tusculum.
23-22Point TC - (Gianna Bowman) Bad set by Riley Grussing.so
23-23Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).
23-24Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Attack error by Katy Teets (block by Shannon Murphy; Laryssa Welch).
Timeout Saint Anselm.
23-25Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Attack error by Katy Teets.

3rd Set

For TC: Aubrey Hawkins; Mariah Lewis; Cassie Born; Sabrina Schleuger; Laryssa Welch; Shannon Murphy; libero Melissa Mazur.
For STA: Catherine McCarthy; Holly Manchester; Amanda Bickford; Katy Teets; Madison Sollows; Jewel Hays; libero Rebecca Lai.
0-1Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Service error.so
0-2Point TC - (Cassie Born) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).
0-3Point TC - (Cassie Born) Service ace (Katy Teets).
1-3Point STA - (Cassie Born) Service error.so
2-3Point STA - (Katy Teets) Attack error by Cassie Born.
2-4Point TC - (Katy Teets) Kill by Aubrey Hawkins (from Shannon Murphy).so
3-4Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays).so
3-5Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Shannon Murphy).so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
3-6Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Attack error by Madison Sollows.
4-6Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Amanda Bickford (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
4-7Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Shannon Murphy).so
5-7Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Service error.so
For STA: Gianna Bowman.
5-8Point TC - (Gianna Bowman) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).so
6-8Point STA - (Laryssa Welch) Attack error by Cassie Born.so
For STA: Nia Brides.
7-8Point STA - (Nia Brides) Attack error by Cassie Born.
7-9Point TC - (Nia Brides) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).so
For STA: Madison Sollows.
For TC: Aubrey Hawkins.
7-10Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Attack error by Holly Manchester (block by Cassie Born; Mariah Lewis).
7-11Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Attack error by Katy Teets.
For STA: Riley Grussing.
7-12Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Cassie Born (from Melissa Mazur).
8-12Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Attack error by Mariah Lewis.so
For STA: Amanda Bickford.
8-13Point TC - (Riley Grussing) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).so
9-13Point STA - (Cassie Born) Attack error by Aubrey Hawkins (block by Katy Teets; Holly Manchester).so
For STA: Catherine McCarthy.
9-14Point TC - (Katy Teets) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).so
10-14Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Riley Grussing).so
11-14Point STA - (Rebecca Lai) Attack error by Aubrey Hawkins (block by Madison Sollows; Catherine McCarthy).
For TC: Kaily Weiss.
11-15Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Ball handling error by Riley Grussing.so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
11-16Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Attack error by Catherine McCarthy.
For STA: Amanda Williams.
11-17Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Service ace (Katy Teets).
12-17Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Riley Grussing).so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
12-18Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Bad set by Riley Grussing.so
13-18Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Riley Grussing).so
For STA: Gianna Bowman.
13-19Point TC - (Gianna Bowman) Kill by Shannon Murphy (from Cassie Born).so
13-20Point TC - (Laryssa Welch) Attack error by Katy Teets.
For STA: Jewel Hays.
14-20Point STA - (Laryssa Welch) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Nia Brides.
14-21Point TC - (Nia Brides) Attack error by Katy Teets.so
For TC: Kaily Weiss.
For STA: Madison Sollows.
14-22Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Attack error by Holly Manchester.
14-23Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Attack error by Katy Teets (block by Kaily Weiss; Mariah Lewis; Cassie Born).
15-23Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Amanda Bickford.
For STA: Jordan Schamp.
For TC: Kaily Weiss.
16-23Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Amanda Bickford (from Jewel Hays).
17-23Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Amanda Bickford (from Rebecca Lai).
17-24Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).so
17-25Point TC - (Cassie Born) Kill by Kaily Weiss (from Shannon Murphy).

4th Set

==================== ==================== SAINT ANSELM 2, TUSCULUM 3 ====================
For TC: Kaily Weiss; Laryssa Welch; Cassie Born; Mariah Lewis; Shannon Murphy; Sabrina Schleuger; libero Melissa Mazur.
For STA: Gianna Bowman; Danielle Isbell; Madison Sollows; Holly Manchester; Katy Teets; Jewel Hays; libero Rebecca Lai.
0-1Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).
1-1Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Nia Brides.
2-1Point STA - (Nia Brides) Attack error by Laryssa Welch (block by Katy Teets; Holly Manchester).
3-1Point STA - (Nia Brides) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).
3-2Point TC - (Nia Brides) Service error.so
4-2Point STA - (Cassie Born) Service error.so
For STA: Amanda Williams.
4-3Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Kaily Weiss (from Shannon Murphy).so
4-4Point TC - (Laryssa Welch) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Shannon Murphy).
4-5Point TC - (Laryssa Welch) Attack error by Amanda Williams (block by Kaily Weiss; Mariah Lewis).
5-5Point STA - (Laryssa Welch) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays), block error by Mariah Lewis.so
For STA: Catherine McCarthy.
6-5Point STA - (Katy Teets) Service ace (Cassie Born).
6-6Point TC - (Katy Teets) Bad set by Jewel Hays.so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
7-6Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Jewel Hays).so
8-6Point STA - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Amanda Williams (from Rebecca Lai).
9-6Point STA - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Catherine McCarthy (from Jewel Hays).
Timeout Tusculum.
10-6Point STA - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Amanda Williams.
10-7Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Attack error by Catherine McCarthy (block by Shannon Murphy; Mariah Lewis).so
10-8Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Attack error by Catherine McCarthy.
11-8Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Kill by Amanda Williams (from Jewel Hays), block error by Cassie Born.so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
12-8Point STA - (Danielle Isbell) Attack error by Cassie Born.
12-9Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Attack error by Catherine McCarthy (block by Mariah Lewis; Shannon Murphy).so
13-9Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Jewel Hays).so
13-10Point TC - (Gianna Bowman) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).so
For TC: Kaily Weiss.
14-10Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Attack error by Cassie Born.so
For STA: Nia Brides.
14-11Point TC - (Nia Brides) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).so
For STA: Madison Sollows.
14-12Point TC - (Cassie Born) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger.
14-13Point TC - (Cassie Born) Attack error by Holly Manchester (block by Sabrina Schleuger; Laryssa Welch).
15-13Point STA - (Cassie Born) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Amanda Williams.
15-14Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Shannon Murphy).so
16-14Point STA - (Laryssa Welch) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Catherine McCarthy.
17-14Point STA - (Katy Teets) Attack error by Sabrina Schleuger (block by Amanda Williams; Holly Manchester).
18-14Point STA - (Katy Teets) Attack error by Sabrina Schleuger.
18-15Point TC - (Katy Teets) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Cassie Born).so
18-16Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Service ace (TEAM).
19-16Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Amanda Williams (from Jewel Hays).so
19-17Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Sabrina Schleuger (from Shannon Murphy).so
20-17Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Catherine McCarthy).so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
20-18Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).so
21-18Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Attack error by Shannon Murphy.so
For STA: Gianna Bowman.
22-18Point STA - (Gianna Bowman) Attack error by Cassie Born.
Timeout Tusculum.
22-19Point TC - (Gianna Bowman) Attack error by Katy Teets (block by Shannon Murphy; Laryssa Welch).so
For TC: Kaily Weiss.
23-19Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).so
24-19Point STA - (Madison Sollows) Attack error by Cassie Born.
24-20Point TC - (Madison Sollows) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).so
24-21Point TC - (Cassie Born) Attack error by Katy Teets (block by Laryssa Welch; Kaily Weiss).
25-21Point STA - (Cassie Born) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays).so

5th Set

==================== ==================== SAINT ANSELM 2, TUSCULUM 3 ====================
For TC: Laryssa Welch; Cassie Born; Kaily Weiss; Sabrina Schleuger; Mariah Lewis; Shannon Murphy; libero Melissa Mazur.
For STA: Katy Teets; Holly Manchester; Catherine McCarthy; Amanda Williams; Madison Sollows; Jewel Hays; libero Rebecca Lai.
0-1Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).so
1-1Point STA - (Cassie Born) Service error.so
1-2Point TC - (Katy Teets) Service error.so
2-2Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Kill by Amanda Williams (from Jewel Hays).so
2-3Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Kaily Weiss (from Shannon Murphy).so
For TC: Alyssa Rojas.
2-4Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).
2-5Point TC - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).
3-5Point STA - (Alyssa Rojas) Kill by Amanda Williams (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Danielle Isbell.
3-6Point TC - (Danielle Isbell) Kill by Laryssa Welch (from Shannon Murphy).so
3-7Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Service ace (Rebecca Lai).
3-8Point TC - (Sabrina Schleuger) Attack error by Catherine McCarthy (block by Shannon Murphy; Laryssa Welch).
4-8Point STA - (Sabrina Schleuger) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Gianna Bowman.
4-9Point TC - (Gianna Bowman) Kill by Cassie Born (from Shannon Murphy).so
5-9Point STA - (Laryssa Welch) Kill by Madison Sollows (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Nia Brides.
5-10Point TC - (Nia Brides) Service error.so
For STA: Madison Sollows.
For TC: Kaily Weiss.
5-11Point TC - (Shannon Murphy) Attack error by Holly Manchester.
6-11Point STA - (Shannon Murphy) Kill by Katy Teets (from Jewel Hays).so
For STA: Amanda Williams.
7-11Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Service ace (Sabrina Schleuger).
8-11Point STA - (Jewel Hays) Attack error by Cassie Born (block by Holly Manchester; Amanda Williams).
8-12Point TC - (Jewel Hays) Service error.so
8-13Point TC - (Cassie Born) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).
9-13Point STA - (Cassie Born) Service error.so
For STA: Catherine McCarthy.
10-13Point STA - (Katy Teets) Kill by Holly Manchester (from Jewel Hays).
10-14Point TC - (Katy Teets) Kill by Mariah Lewis (from Shannon Murphy).so
11-14Point STA - (Melissa Mazur) Attack error by Sabrina Schleuger.so
12-14Point STA - (Rebecca Lai) Service ace (TEAM).
Timeout Tusculum.
13-14Point STA - (Rebecca Lai) Bad set by Shannon Murphy.
13-15Point TC - (Rebecca Lai) Kill by Kaily Weiss (from Shannon Murphy).so