Season Statistics
Overall Statistics
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Overall Statistics for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 10-12 Home: 6-2 Away: 2-4 Neutral: 2-6 SAC: 0-0
10 Stephanie Blake.. .500 9-6 6 5 3 0 0 0 1 3 .500 0 1 0 0 .571 0 3 1-2 5 13 5 .783
22 Brooke Boyd...... .365 21-21 63 18 23 6 0 0 8 29 .460 12 0 5 0 .467 0 1 10-12 27 1 4 .875
14 Jennifer Zabetaki .364 17-12 33 5 12 2 1 0 4 16 .485 3 0 4 1 .417 0 0 0-0 2 23 1 .962
23 Charity Wallen... .359 18-17 39 12 14 5 0 2 9 25 .641 9 2 11 0 .500 0 1 4-6 19 11 2 .938
13 Chrissy Truax.... .328 21-21 58 9 19 3 0 0 14 22 .379 6 1 9 0 .400 0 0 1-2 23 29 8 .867
9 Kathryn Elcik.... .300 11-7 10 1 3 1 0 0 4 4 .400 0 0 4 0 .300 0 2 1-1 28 6 2 .944
2 Cassidy Williams. .296 20-20 54 9 16 4 1 0 12 22 .407 4 0 5 1 .328 3 1 0-0 62 10 5 .935
21 Cara Kilgore..... .286 19-16 49 7 14 2 0 1 6 19 .388 2 1 6 0 .327 0 1 0-0 9 12 2 .913
31 Jodi Stuckey..... .283 22-22 53 9 15 0 0 0 6 15 .283 4 1 2 0 .345 0 4 1-1 134 1 2 .985
12 Melissa Enloe.... .269 21-21 52 12 14 2 2 0 11 20 .385 8 1 10 0 .371 1 3 2-3 17 4 2 .913
1 Amy Devere....... .250 22-22 56 7 14 1 0 0 6 15 .268 2 0 15 1 .267 2 2 1-1 23 37 6 .909
35 Amanda Gray...... .162 20-15 37 5 6 1 0 0 4 7 .189 4 0 7 0 .244 0 0 0-0 8 1 2 .818
11 April Ogle....... .150 18-13 20 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 .150 0 0 6 0 .150 0 1 0-0 20 17 5 .881
Totals.............. .294 22-22 530 102 156 27 4 3 85 200 .377 54 7 84 3 .363 6 19 21-28 377 165 46 .922
Opponents........... .292 22-22 541 113 158 34 5 7 88 223 .412 54 0 85 1 .355 3 13 31-35 378 156 37 .935
LOB - Team (136), Opp (121). DPs turned - Team (3), Opp (4).
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
21 Cara Kilgore..... 3.84 7-6 14 12 9 0/0 0 69.1 81 54 38 41 52 18 1 4 288 .281 6 0 0 2 5
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 4.60 3-6 13 10 8 1/0 0 56.1 77 59 37 13 33 16 4 3 253 .304 4 0 0 1 8
Totals.............. 4.18 10-12 22 22 17 1/0 0 125.2 158 113 75 54 85 34 5 7 541 .292 10 0 0 3 13
Opponents........... 4.06 12-10 22 22 19 6/0 0 126.0 156 102 73 54 84 27 4 3 530 .294 14 7 1 6 19
PB - Team (14), Williams 12, Elcik 2, Opp (7). Pickoffs - Team (1), Kilgore 1. SBA/ATT - Williams (22-24), Kilgore (16-19),
Zabetakis (15-16), Elcik (9-10).
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Overall Statistics for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
31 Jodi Stuckey..... 137 134 1 2 .985 2 0 0 --- 0 0
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 26 2 23 1 .962 0 15 1 .938 0 0
9 Kathryn Elcik.... 36 28 6 2 .944 0 9 1 .900 2 0
23 Charity Wallen... 32 19 11 2 .938 0 0 0 --- 0 0
2 Cassidy Williams. 77 62 10 5 .935 0 22 2 .917 12 0
12 Melissa Enloe.... 23 17 4 2 .913 1 0 0 --- 0 0
21 Cara Kilgore..... 23 9 12 2 .913 1 16 3 .842 0 0
1 Amy Devere....... 66 23 37 6 .909 1 0 0 --- 0 0
11 April Ogle....... 42 20 17 5 .881 1 0 0 --- 0 0
22 Brooke Boyd...... 32 27 1 4 .875 0 0 0 --- 0 0
13 Chrissy Truax.... 60 23 29 8 .867 1 0 0 --- 0 0
35 Amanda Gray...... 11 8 1 2 .818 0 0 0 --- 0 0
10 Stephanie Blake.. 23 5 13 5 .783 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Totals.............. 588 377 165 46 .922 3 31 4 .886 14 0
Opponents........... 571 378 156 37 .935 4 21 7 .750 7 0
Analysis Statistics
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Batting Analysis for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(All games Sorted by Player Name)
vs Left vs Right w/Runners On w/Bases Empty w/Bases Loaded Rch as Leadoff Fly Gnd Fly/
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg Rch Ops Pct Out Out Gnd
10 Stephanie Blake.. 0 0 --- 3 6 .500 2 4 .500 1 2 .500 1 1 1.000 0 1 .000 1 3 0.3
22 Brooke Boyd...... 0 0 --- 23 63 .365 10 21 .476 13 42 .310 2 3 .667 12 28 .429 17 13 1.3
1 Amy Devere....... 0 0 --- 14 56 .250 10 36 .278 4 20 .200 1 4 .250 1 13 .077 21 9 2.3
9 Kathryn Elcik.... 0 0 --- 3 10 .300 2 4 .500 1 6 .167 0 0 --- 1 2 .500 1 3 0.3
12 Melissa Enloe.... 0 0 --- 14 52 .269 9 29 .310 5 23 .217 2 3 .667 4 11 .364 7 22 0.3
35 Amanda Gray...... 0 0 --- 6 37 .162 4 19 .211 2 18 .111 1 5 .200 2 8 .250 7 13 0.5
21 Cara Kilgore..... 0 0 --- 14 49 .286 8 29 .276 6 20 .300 0 4 .000 4 11 .364 11 18 0.6
11 April Ogle....... 0 0 --- 3 20 .150 0 6 .000 3 14 .214 0 0 --- 3 9 .333 4 5 0.8
31 Jodi Stuckey..... 0 0 --- 15 53 .283 9 30 .300 6 23 .261 1 4 .250 7 11 .636 12 22 0.5
13 Chrissy Truax.... 0 0 --- 19 58 .328 12 37 .324 7 21 .333 2 4 .500 3 7 .429 19 7 2.7
23 Charity Wallen... 0 0 --- 14 39 .359 8 20 .400 6 19 .316 0 1 .000 3 5 .600 7 5 1.4
2 Cassidy Williams. 0 0 --- 16 54 .296 13 32 .406 3 22 .136 2 4 .500 4 16 .250 23 11 2.1
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 0 0 --- 12 33 .364 7 20 .350 5 13 .385 0 1 .000 3 5 .600 6 10 0.6
Totals.............. 0 0 --- 156 530 .294 94 287 .328 62 243 .255 12 34 .353 47 127 .370 136 141 1.0
Opponents........... 0 0 --- 158 541 .292 90 286 .315 68 255 .267 6 35 .171 51 127 .402 125 153 0.8
With Runners w/Rnr on 3rd 2- Success #Rnrs
Pinch Hitting In Scoring Pos And LT 2 Out With 2 Out Out Advancing Rnrs Adv Rnrs Rch Rch
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg RBI Ops Pct H AB Avg RBI Adv Ops Pct w/Out LOB Err FC KL
10 Stephanie Blake.. 1 1 1.000 1 2 .500 0 0 --- 1 2 .500 1 8 8 1.000 3 2 2 1 0
22 Brooke Boyd...... 0 0 --- 7 14 .500 1 2 .500 6 20 .300 7 19 27 .704 1 7 6 1 3
1 Amy Devere....... 0 0 --- 5 22 .227 4 5 .800 4 19 .211 1 16 41 .390 6 20 1 1 3
9 Kathryn Elcik.... 0 1 .000 2 4 .500 2 2 1.000 1 3 .333 1 5 6 .833 3 2 1 0 1
12 Melissa Enloe.... 0 0 --- 7 21 .333 3 6 .500 6 14 .429 6 21 35 .600 8 8 3 3 4
35 Amanda Gray...... 0 3 .000 3 15 .200 3 3 1.000 0 9 .000 0 12 20 .600 6 10 3 2 1
21 Cara Kilgore..... 0 1 .000 4 21 .190 1 3 .333 8 24 .333 5 13 31 .419 6 25 1 1 0
11 April Ogle....... 0 1 .000 0 3 .000 0 0 --- 0 7 .000 0 3 7 .429 2 6 2 1 2
31 Jodi Stuckey..... 0 0 --- 6 24 .250 0 4 .000 7 22 .318 6 18 34 .529 5 17 4 8 0
13 Chrissy Truax.... 0 0 --- 10 28 .357 2 10 .200 12 27 .444 10 18 41 .439 1 12 2 3 0
23 Charity Wallen... 0 0 --- 6 15 .400 1 4 .250 1 8 .125 0 16 25 .640 1 3 3 1 1
2 Cassidy Williams. 0 0 --- 9 24 .375 5 8 .625 9 21 .429 5 23 37 .622 8 10 2 2 0
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 1 4 .250 5 16 .313 2 3 .667 2 10 .200 1 11 21 .524 3 8 1 0 0
Totals.............. 2 11 .182 65 209 .311 24 50 .480 57 186 .306 43 183 333 .550 53 136 31 24 15
Opponents........... 0 2 .000 66 203 .325 32 68 .471 37 165 .224 25 172 319 .539 36 121 29 29 28
Success Advancing Runners = percentage of times the batter advanced at least one runner during a plate appearance
#Rnrs Adv w/Out = TOTAL number of runners advanced when the player made an out
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Pitching Analysis for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(All games Sorted by Player Name)
vs Left vs Right w/Runners On w/Bases Empty Rch by Leadoff with 2 Outs Fly Gnd Fly/
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg Rch Ops Pct H AB Avg Out Out Gnd
21 Cara Kilgore..... 0 0 --- 81 288 .281 45 154 .292 36 134 .269 28 71 .394 19 89 .213 79 69 1.1
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 0 0 --- 77 253 .304 45 132 .341 32 121 .264 23 56 .411 18 76 .237 46 84 0.5
Totals.............. 0 0 --- 158 541 .292 90 286 .315 68 255 .267 51 127 .402 37 165 .224 125 153 0.8
Opponents........... 0 0 --- 156 530 .294 94 287 .328 62 243 .255 47 127 .370 57 186 .306 136 141 1.0
IP/ K/BB Stolen Bases
Player App-GS App *H/g *R/g *ER/g *BB/g *SO/g Ratio *2B/g *3B/g *HR/g *FO/g *GO/g *BF/g SBA ATT Pct
21 Cara Kilgore..... 14-12 4.95 8.18 5.45 3.84 4.14 5.25 1.3 1.82 0.10 0.40 7.98 6.97 33.92 16 19 .842
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 13-10 4.33 9.57 7.33 4.60 1.62 4.10 2.5 1.99 0.50 0.37 5.72 10.44 34.17 15 16 .938
Totals.............. 22-22 5.71 8.80 6.29 4.18 3.01 4.73 1.6 1.89 0.28 0.39 6.96 8.52 34.03 31 35 .750
Opponents........... 22-22 5.73 8.67 5.67 4.06 3.00 4.67 1.6 1.50 0.22 0.17 7.56 7.83 34.22 21 28 .886
* = average based on 7-inning game
Games Summary
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Games Summary for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(All games)
Inning-by-inning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
---------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----
Tusculum 18 17 14 19 16 17 1 102
Opponents 17 10 27 21 16 17 5 113
Win-Loss Record When
Overall............. 10-12 After 4 leading..... 6-1
Conference.......... 0-0 ....... trailing.... 0-10
Non-Conference...... 10-12 ....... tied........ 4-1
Home games.......... 6-2 After 5 leading..... 6-1
Away games.......... 2-4 ....... trailing.... 0-4
Neutral site........ 2-6 ....... tied........ 0-1
Day games........... 10-12 After 6 leading..... 4-0
Night games......... 0-0 ....... trailing.... 0-4
vs Left starter..... 0-0 ....... tied........ 0-1
vs Right starter.... 10-12
1-Run games......... 1-2 Hit 0 home runs..... 9-11
2-Run games......... 1-0 ... 1 home run...... 0-1
5+Run games......... 6-9 ... 2+ home runs.... 1-0
Extra innings....... 0-0
Shutouts............ 1-6 Opponent 0 home runs 10-6
........ 1 home run. 0-5
Scoring 0-2 runs.... 0-11 ........ 2+ HRs..... 0-1
....... 3-5 runs.... 1-0
....... 6-9 runs.... 3-1 Made 0 errors....... 4-1
....... 10+ runs.... 6-0 .... 1 error........ 4-1
.... 2+ errors...... 2-10
Opponent 0-2 runs... 7-1
........ 3-5 runs... 1-1 Opp. made 0 errors.. 0-6
........ 6-9 runs... 2-9 ......... 1 error... 2-3
........ 10+ runs... 0-1 ......... 2+ errors. 8-3
Scored in 1st inning 4-0 Out-hit opponent.... 10-1
Opp. scored in 1st.. 1-7 Out-hit by opponent. 0-11
Scores first........ 9-1 Hits are tied....... 0-0
Opp. scores first... 1-11
Record when team scores:
Runs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
W-L 0-6 0-3 0-2 0-0 0-0 1-0 2-1 0-0 0-0 1-0 6-0
Record when opponent scores:
Runs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
W-L 1-0 4-0 2-1 0-1 0-0 1-0 1-1 0-2 1-3 0-3 0-1
Record when leading after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 4-0 7-1 8-2 6-1 6-1 4-0
Record when trailing after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 0-7 0-8 2-10 0-10 0-4 0-4
Record when tied after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 6-5 3-3 0-0 4-1 0-1 0-1
Current losing streak: 2
Longest winning streak: 4
Longest losing streak: 4
Home attendance : 455 ( 8 dates avg = 56 )
Away attendance : 995 ( 14 dates avg = 71 )
Total attendance: 1450 ( 22 dates avg = 65 )
Category Leaders
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Batting Leaders for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games
Batting avg
1. 10 Stephanie Blake.. .500
2. 22 Brooke Boyd...... .365
3. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki .364
4. 23 Charity Wallen... .359
5. 13 Chrissy Truax.... .328
Slugging pct
1. 23 Charity Wallen... .641
2. 10 Stephanie Blake.. .500
3. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki .485
4. 22 Brooke Boyd...... .460
5. 2 Cassidy Williams. .407
On base pct
1. 10 Stephanie Blake.. .571
2. 23 Charity Wallen... .500
3. 22 Brooke Boyd...... .467
4. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki .417
5. 13 Chrissy Truax.... .400
Runs scored
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 18
2. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 12
23 Charity Wallen... 12
4. 3 tied at........... 9
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 23
2. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 19
3. 2 Cassidy Williams. 16
4. 31 Jodi Stuckey..... 15
5. 4 tied at........... 14
Runs batted in
1. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 14
2. 2 Cassidy Williams. 12
3. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 11
4. 23 Charity Wallen... 9
5. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 8
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 6
2. 23 Charity Wallen... 5
3. 2 Cassidy Williams. 4
4. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 3
5. 3 tied at........... 2
1. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 2
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 1
2 Cassidy Williams. 1
Home runs
1. 23 Charity Wallen... 2
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 1
Total bases
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 29
2. 23 Charity Wallen... 25
3. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 22
2 Cassidy Williams. 22
5. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 20
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 12
2. 23 Charity Wallen... 9
3. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 8
4. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 6
5. 3 tied at........... 4
Hit by pitch
1. 23 Charity Wallen... 2
2. 5 tied at........... 1
Sac bunts
1. 31 Jodi Stuckey..... 4
2. 10 Stephanie Blake.. 3
12 Melissa Enloe.... 3
4. 9 Kathryn Elcik.... 2
1 Amy Devere....... 2
Sac flies
1. 2 Cassidy Williams. 3
2. 1 Amy Devere....... 2
3. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 1
Stolen bases
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 10
2. 23 Charity Wallen... 4
3. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 2
4. 5 tied at........... 1
Caught stealing
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 2
23 Charity Wallen... 2
3. 10 Stephanie Blake.. 1
12 Melissa Enloe.... 1
13 Chrissy Truax.... 1
Steal attempts
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 12
2. 23 Charity Wallen... 6
3. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 3
4. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 2
10 Stephanie Blake.. 2
Stolen base pct
1. 1 Amy Devere....... 1.000
31 Jodi Stuckey..... 1.000
9 Kathryn Elcik.... 1.000
4. 22 Brooke Boyd...... .833
5. 12 Melissa Enloe.... .667
1. 1 Amy Devere....... 15
2. 23 Charity Wallen... 11
3. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 10
4. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 9
5. 35 Amanda Gray...... 7
Grounded into DP
1. 1 Amy Devere....... 1
2 Cassidy Williams. 1
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 1
Total plate appearances
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 76
2. 12 Melissa Enloe.... 65
13 Chrissy Truax.... 65
4. 3 tied at........... 62
At bats
1. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 63
2. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 58
3. 1 Amy Devere....... 56
4. 2 Cassidy Williams. 54
5. 31 Jodi Stuckey..... 53
Games played
1. 31 Jodi Stuckey..... 22
1 Amy Devere....... 22
3. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 21
12 Melissa Enloe.... 21
13 Chrissy Truax.... 21
Game starts
1. 1 Amy Devere....... 22
31 Jodi Stuckey..... 22
3. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 21
22 Brooke Boyd...... 21
12 Melissa Enloe.... 21
Games as sub
1. 11 April Ogle....... 5
35 Amanda Gray...... 5
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 5
4. 9 Kathryn Elcik.... 4
5. 2 tied at........... 3
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Pitching Leaders for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games
Earned run avg
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 3.84
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 4.60
Opposing bat avg
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... .281
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki .304
Won-loss pct
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... .538
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki .333
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 7
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 3
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 6
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 6
Innings pitched
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 69.1
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 56.1
Batters struck out
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 52
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 33
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 14
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 13
Games started
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 12
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 10
Games finished
1. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 3
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 2
Games in relief
1. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 3
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 2
Wild pitches
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 6
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 4
Hit batters
Intentional BB allowed
Runners picked off
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 1
Batters SO out looking
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 15
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 13
Sac bunts allowed
1. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 8
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 5
Sac flies allowed
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 2
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 1
Hits allowed
1. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 77
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 81
Runs allowed
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 54
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 59
Earned runs allowed
1. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 37
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 38
Walks allowed
1. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 13
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 41
Doubles allowed
1. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 16
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 18
Triples allowed
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 1
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 4
Home runs allowed
1. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 3
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 4
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Fielding Leaders for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games
Fielding pct
1. 31 Jodi Stuckey..... .985
2. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki .962
3. 9 Kathryn Elcik.... .944
4. 23 Charity Wallen... .938
5. 2 Cassidy Williams. .935
1. 31 Jodi Stuckey..... 137
2. 2 Cassidy Williams. 77
3. 1 Amy Devere....... 66
4. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 60
5. 11 April Ogle....... 42
1. 31 Jodi Stuckey..... 134
2. 2 Cassidy Williams. 62
3. 9 Kathryn Elcik.... 28
4. 22 Brooke Boyd...... 27
5. 2 tied at........... 23
1. 1 Amy Devere....... 37
2. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 29
3. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 23
4. 11 April Ogle....... 17
5. 10 Stephanie Blake.. 13
1. 13 Chrissy Truax.... 8
2. 1 Amy Devere....... 6
3. 10 Stephanie Blake.. 5
11 April Ogle....... 5
2 Cassidy Williams. 5
Fielding double plays
1. 31 Jodi Stuckey..... 2
2. 5 tied at........... 1
Stolen bases against
1. 2 Cassidy Williams. 22
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 16
3. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 15
4. 9 Kathryn Elcik.... 9
Caught stealing by
1. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 3
2. 2 Cassidy Williams. 2
3. 9 Kathryn Elcik.... 1
14 Jennifer Zabetaki 1
Steal attempts against
1. 2 Cassidy Williams. 24
2. 21 Cara Kilgore..... 19
3. 14 Jennifer Zabetaki 16
4. 9 Kathryn Elcik.... 10
Passed balls
1. 2 Cassidy Williams. 12
2. 9 Kathryn Elcik.... 2
Catchers interference
Conference statistics
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Conference statistics for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(SAC games only Sorted by Batting avg)
(SAC games only Sorted by Earned run avg)
1999 Tusculum College Softball
Conference statistics for Tusculum (as of Oct 05, 2009)
(SAC games only Sorted by Fielding pct)