Caleb Archer
Caleb Archer
Height: 5-8
Year: Jr.
Hometown: Bluff City, Tenn.
High School: Tennessee HS
Major: Business Administration

High School: Graduated from Tennessee HS in Bristol, Tennessee... Coached by Tom Murell... Lettered in cross country, track and soccer... All-Conference in soccer... MVP in cross country, track and soccer... PRs of 10:37 in 3200 and 17:26 in 5K.

Personal: Born June 28, 2001 in Bristol, Tennessee... Son of Ashley and Chris Britt... Siblings - Jacob, Chris, Camryn... Majoring in business administration... Future plans: Pursue a career in international marketing... Hobbies and activities: Weightlifting, basketball, kayaking... Favorite book: "Unashamed Lecrae"; Favorite class at Tusculum: Wellness; Favorite midnight snack: Peanut butter; Favorite movie: "Remember the Titans"; Favorite musical artist: Drake; Favorite song: "Headlines"; Favorite sports team: Boston Celtics; Favorite color: Green; Favorite food: Quesadilla; Most famous person Caleb has ever met: Kevin Hart.