Low tide intercollegiate banner
Pos   Player To Par Thru Today R1 R2 R3 Total
1 Limestone university Limestone
+11 18 +4 295 288 292 875
2 Lee university Lee University
+16 18 +5 294 293 293 880
3 North georgia North Georgia
+26 18 +16 292 294 304 890
T4 Lander university Lander
+33 18 +11 306 292 299 897
T4 University of west georgia West Georgia
+33 18 +10 301 298 298 897
6 Lenoir ryne university Lenoir Rhyne
+44 18 +27 299 294 315 908
7 Catawba college Catawba
+65 18 +15 319 307 303 929
8 Columbus state university Columbus State
+67 18 +16 316 311 304 931
9 Newberry college Newberry
+77 18 +30 310 313 318 941
10 Coker university Coker
+84 18 +28 315 317 316 948
11 Tusculum university Tusculum
+93 18 +34 323 312 322 957
12 Erskine college Erskine College
+94 18 +35 310 325 323 958
13 Unc pembroke UNC-Pembroke
+114 18 +42 318 330 330 978