Student-Athlete Advisory Committee

What is SAAC?

The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (PSAAC) is the student-athletes voice on campus and in the NCAA. The National SAAC was first adopted in 1989 at which time was inclusive to all divisions of the NCAA. Sense 1989, the national SAAC has divided into each of the three divisions which have their own national SAAC representatives that come together at the NCAA convention to present findings on legislation and bring forward new legislation.

Division II National SAAC Mission Statement and Purpose

The mission of the NCAA Division II Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is to enhance the total student-athlete experience by promoting opportunity for all student-athletes; protecting student-athlete welfare; and fostering a positive student-athlete image. 

Committee Membership

Membership of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is represented by the diverse teams and athletes that make up the institutions athletic programs. Each member of the SAAC on campus serves as the liaison between the committee and their respective team. It is recommended by the NCAA that each sport have one sponsored representative be a part of the committee.

Purpose of SAAC

The purpose of SAAC is to serve and develop the SAAC’s strategic plan through these five points:

  • Generate a student-athlete voice within the institution
  • Solicit student-athlete response to proposed NCAA legislation
  • Suggest potential NCAA legislation
  • Organize community service efforts
  • Create a vehicle for student-athlete representation on campus-wide or conference-wide committees

What is PSAAC?

PSAAC is the Pioneer Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. The “P” is our own. It is who Tusculum University SAAC is. PSAAC is the Pioneering force and student-athletes voice on campus that enriches the STUDENT-athletes experience. Although the NCAA recommends only one sponsored athlete from each team, Tusculum Athletics requires two and up to four from each team. PSAAC in return has higher attendance rates at its SAAC meetings and more influence at PSAAC community engagement events around campus and in the community.

NCAA Division II SAAC and Make-A-Wish

NCAA Division II SAAC is also the NCAA Sponsored Charitable Fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and has raised over 5.3 million dollars sense 2003.

Sense 2015, PSAAC's impact on Make-A-Wish fundraising totals over 25,000 dollars. 

It is a requirement that each institution in the South Atlantic Conference raise a minimum of 2,500 dollars, which PSAAC has at least raised or surpassed in each year of its participation. PSAAC also won the Conference fundraising title in the 2014-15 and 2016-17 academic years and was then also presented with the opportunity to host a Wish Celebration for a local Make-A-Wish recipient.  Each year it is PSAAC’s goal to win the title and have another opportunity to celebrate a young childs wish with them.



NCAA and "It's On Us" 

The NCAA and the "It's On Us" campaign have joined together to promote a healthy campus environment and work to stop sexual assault. The campaign focuses on encouraging bystander intervention and building a campus culture that makes sexual assault unacceptable. The program is designed to bring the campus community – not just potential victims and attackers, but their classmates, peers, professors and friends – into the conversation, giving them a shared sense of responsibility for improving attitudes toward sexual violence (NCAA, 2014)

For more on the It's On Us campaign and its relationship with the NCAA, click HERE 

For more information on the It's On Us campaign itself and to take the pledge, click HERE to go the It's On Us website.

Campaign Resources:

It's On Us Campaign Tools

It's On Us - Sexual Assault Hotline

Concent Discussion Informational Sheet

Bystander Intervention Tips


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General Resources

NCAA Division II Student-Athlete Advisory Committee

History of Division II SAAC

Division II SAAC: Make It Yours Video

Division II Strategic Positioning Platform


Student-Athlete Resources

SAAC Informational and Planning Guide

Best Practices to Follow When Hosting a Recruit

Division II SAAC Make-A-Wish Money Milestone and Fundraising Rankings


For more information please visit the NCAA SAAC website by clicking HERE